Once certified for cruising, members are entitled to one 7 day – 6 night cruise per calendar year in the high season (June 1st to September 15th) and up to 300 hours of sailing total, subject to vessel availability. Rarely have members been unable to obtain access to vessels when they wish. Summer cruises are the only time when bookings are heavy so it is best to book your 5 day cruise well in advance. Vessels are booked online.
- Bookings of cruises take precedence over day sail bookings
- At 1700 hours on the day following the Co-op’s Annual General Meeting, members that did NOT cruise in the High Season of the previous year may book a summer high season cruise.
- At 1700 hours on the 8th day following the Co-op’s Annual General Meeting members that did cruise in the summer high season of the previous year may book for the current year.
- Any member may book a cruise outside the summer high season.